With it a man is: confident, invigorated, unstoppable. Without it: sluggish, wimpy, defeated. No other hormone creates so many indicators of physical excellence and success.
Why It Is Important
One of the basic laws of nature is that we must win competitions in order to prosper, feel happy, and verile. Testosterone is the reinforcer of this process: the more you win, the more you make, ad infinitum. So if a man has a lot, it suggests he is a winner, both in the past and likely the future.
How to Recognize A Champion
Social Indications
Men with high testosterone tend to seem like athletes or successful business men. They walk with swagger and speak in a confident tone of voice. They usually aren't great at dancing, discussing emotions or noticing how people really feel; but with that machismo, comes a powerful energy.
Physical Indications
High Testosterone | Low Testosterone |
Energetic, motivated | Lazy, tired, apathetic |
Muscles, Fitness | Too fat or frail |
Strong facial hair or stubble | Bald head or patchy beard |
Deep voice | High voice |
Large dick (or clitoris) | Small dick |
High libido | Low libido |
How to Increase It Naturally
Vigorous exercise, particularly that which increases muscle mass (like weightlifting) combined with a rich diet full of animal proteins and adequate deep sleep in a dark, quiet room all contribute to raising testosterone levels naturally.
Career Benefits
Men with high testosterone generally make for driven, intelligent, ambitious employees or business partners. A team comprised or led by such champions (but also balanced by some feminine energy) is likely to attain great success.
Sex Life
High testosterone increаses sexual appetite, improves performance and heightens genital sensitivity. It also makes one more attractive to the opposite sex, resulting in a greater number and higher quality of mates.
Psychological Benefits
In order for a mind to function optimally, the body requires homeostasis: a finely-tuned balance of hormones in the bloodstream. So adequate testosterone production will not only improve physical performance but mental as well.
Avoiding Soy
Avoid soy because it contains phytoestrogens (yes - estrogen) which feminize and are not naturally produced by men. Soy is a cheaply producible cash crop with a lot of economic benefactors trying to normalize its over-consumption but its detrimental health effects on men must be better mitigated.
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