We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. ― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Karmic Mechanics
My theory regarding the interdimensional nature of karma and algorithm to approximate karmic debt.
This World is Not a Spiritual School
Teaching students how to wash the blackboards is not an education. Beware the gentle smile and helpful murmur you couldn't quite hear. It seems half of these "angels" are demons in disguise.
It is the duty of the young to replace the old, and of the old to help that happen, so that they can be born again — better — instead of lingering in senility.
The Means of Ascension
Is life a rigged contest?
The Way Back
Cure your demons and regain your former glory.
How to Escape Hell
When you find yourself in an ever-worsening situation, and no amount of scheming or clever maneouvers can get you out of it — try being good. It just might work.
My Religion
As with most else, when it comes to spirituality, my beliefs and practises are taken from many sources.
My experiences with psilocybin and LSD.
The Human Predicament
How can we be expected to obey who we cannot recognize? Coming soon.
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I achieve balance not by limiting myself to the center, but by stretching equally in both directions.
Peace & Love, man.
+20 pages about yours truly.
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