Come Together
Having near continually travelled around Europe, North America and Asia since leaving California in 2017, I am trying to reconcile many national ideologies within myself so that I become a Citizen of the World.
Nomadic Lifestyle
Since leaving Santa Monica, I haven't stayed in one place for more than a few months to a year. I don't keep any possessions that can't fit in my backpack, so my life is quite adventurous and ever-changing. Perhaps this would stress out most people, but I love it, and it's become part of who I am.
Holistic Worldview
I believe the most common error in judgment that people make is applying sound reasoning to an incomplete view of the big picture, which turns out to be more complex than they anticipated. So we must assess the world in its totality before quality conclusions are possible since every part of the macrocosm affects every part of the microcosm (and vice versa). Until this holistic understanding is achieved, it is best to hold no opinions, or rely on vast systems like macroeconomics to make decisions, since only they can consider enough data. But unless you live in China or India, your country constitutes less than 5% of the world population (Germany is 1%) which is why I find travel so critical and made it such a prominent component of my life.
Law & Politics