Jack of All Trades


Polymathism: My Holistic Approach to Lifelong Education

A polymath studies many subjects rather than specializing in just one, like the saying: "A jack of all trades, master of none." Though I can't claim to have mastered anything, I've always felt that the versatility of this approach should pay off in the long run. This is why I've become a Citizen of the World and may seem paradoxical when opposite traits of my broad personality are observed simultaneously.


I achieve balance not by limiting myself to the center, but by stretching equally in both directions.

Universal Suspect

Since I'm involved in a bit of everything, people can always find evidence to support any suspicions they have about me — which I may not even realize they have. Unless their allegations are voiced in my presence, I cannot refute them.

Everything Matters

This song by AURORA says it best.