What are the objectives of this website?
To post about my projects and interests and share my experience so that others can benefit from it.
How is the site organized?
There are five main divisions, housing several categories each: Arts & Entertainment, Lifestyle, Science, Social Science and Jack. There are also minor divisions like Utilities and Exclusive.
How secure is the site?
The site uses industry-standard and above-standard security practices. It does not store any information more valuable than it can protect. Sensitive member info is stored off-site.
Login Difficulties
In the unlikely event that the database is compromised, a bulletin will be posted on the status page and an email notification sent out. Members who registered after the most recent database backup may need to register a new account if they cannot sign in after a disaster is posted there. If no disasters have been posted and your account is still active and you're not violating any rules but still cannot log in, please contact support (see below).
How do I contact support?
Log in or register and then visit the contact page. If you cannot login or troubleshoot the problem, register a new account to access the contact function.
Why are so many pages "coming soon" or under construction?
Because I make everything singlehandedly, so it takes time. But the placeholders let people know to come back later and help me prioritize.
What else should I know?
Everything here is out of date — there may be a considerable lapse between when I do something and when I get around to posting about it. In its present state, the site is incomplete.
Where should I go from here?
For an overview of all content go to All Categories. For a list of pages about me, go to Jack.
Sitewide Policies & Disclaimer
This site aims to provide a broad introduction to my life and interests, but nothing written here should be taken as the full story since it is not possible to explain certain complex matters perfectly in this public format. Anything I write here should be accompanied by further testimony in order to be considered infallibly true, but I have made my best effort to be as honest as possible. I do not always have photos for the articles I write, either because I didn't take any or lost them, so I may use similar proxy photos to represent the event, but these are always acknowledged, and never used misleadingly. For further details, see: Terms & Conditons.
Law & Politics