
europe's 11th most populous country and 10th largest economy. I visited Stockholm a few times and briefly lived there from Nov 2020 to March 2021.

Northcentral Europe

Sweden is part of Scandinavia — a region known for its fjords and mountains, Viking history, engineering prowess, minimalistic design and progressive culture.

Tastes of the World

My thoughts on Scandinavian food.


I left Lithuania to move here at the end of 2020, just before Brexit finalized. However, after a few months of winter boredom, and issues with their incompetent immigration department, I decided to live in Lithuania instead. But I still very much like and relate to the Scandinavian way of life, and will probably continue to visit regularly.

Miss Li - Komplicerad

Ett, är vaken varje natt
Och två, jag dricker varje slatt
Och tre, jag kan va helt besatt
Och fyra, gå till arg från skratt
På fem, jag kompromissar knappt
Så sex, spring hem det snabbt
Kan lista mera för jag är komplicerad!


Population Rank:11 87
Nominal GDP Rank:10 25
GDP (PPP) per Capita Rank:13 23