None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. — Goethe
Notable legislators and heads of state who've held office long enough for me to comment on them.
Citizen of the World
My holistic worldview, adventures and travels across the globe.
New Politik — What They Missed
The politics of the future and why few legislators seem prepared for it.
Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton
This may annoy some, but I like both of them, though I voted for Trump when I lived in America. Like me, Hillary is not mean enough to be trusted with great power, though I admire her apparent desire for fairness.
While I think it was necessary to protect our independence, I also think Britain should eventually be reintegrated with the EU, but with privileges and smart contract safeguards in place to ensure that the new agreement couldn't possibly be violated. The historical and geographical ties are too strong to ignore.
My Day with a Yorkshire Tramp
I learned about Britain's conflicted rehabilitation program by spending half a day in the summer of 2023 with a young homeless man (proxy photo) living just outside York's Micklegate Bar. After treating him to lunch and some new attire, he confided in me that the reason he was reluctant to work is because 70% of his wages are withheld to pay for his lodging, so instead he's just waiting several months until the judge progresses his case. He also seemed to have some undiagnosed disorder. Clearly, this incentives problem requires a legislative solution.
Mental Health-Related Gun Control
Preventing crazy people from owning guns would be easier if the definitions for craziness were less subjective. There are not many guaranteed, painless ways to kill yourself. If suicidal people feel their ability to purchase arms may be restricted, they could feel forced to conceal any issues they may have.
Animal Rights
Speaking up for those who can't.
Debanked? helps Brits suffering political discrimination (though I cannot yet attest to their efficacy).
Some girls are upset they can't be the hero because they don't have a dick — but most dicked aren't heroes and many heroes aren't dicked. Turns out your genitals have little to do with it — it's more about doing your job — whatever that may be. Like Kirsten Dunst in Spider-Man: she played her role perfectly but never got enough credit, just like Parker.
Sexism is such a dead giveaway for an unfulfilled love life and unbalanced personality.
Prejudice Definition
Prejudice is a universal cognitive function that means to make a judgment about something beforehand based on prior experience (from pre-judicium in Latin). But it's also a term whose meaning is commonly distorted as a confusion tactic in political conflicts. Preconceptions are ethical and useful when true, but bad when inaccurate, not because they're mean, but stupid and self-defeating.
It's so ironic that anyone could ever think I'm close-minded, when I've been the one trailblazing things now considered mainstream since high school.
A free moderated platform where adolescents can get their opinions heard and learn how to defend themselves from adults that exploit them financially, emotionally or sexually.
Is Too Hot to Handle Sexual Exploitation?
As fun as it is watching these pinheads get upset at each other for repeatedly failing to control their libidos — I have to point out something is wrong here.
A list of important events, both in my life, and world history.
Law & Politics