Limits, like fears, are often just an illusion. — Michael Jordan
Any Given Sunday (1999)
Life is a Game of Inches
Al Pacino delivers a rousing speech about making every second count.
Is it better to win a technical "victory" or to win at the true Essence of the Game?
The 10km Race
On the last day of gym class in high school, we had a 10 km race (6.2 miles). Halfway through, I was gaining on this jock who was maybe half a foot taller than me. So he cheated: he majorly cut a corner. But I refused to cheat, I stayed on the path. And I will never forget the look we exchanged when I surpassed him.
Testosterone: Hormone of Champions
With it a man is: confident, invigorated, unstoppable. Without it: sluggish, wimpy, defeated.
Food for thought.
Law & Politics