Shorthand Abbreviations
Typeable symbols I derived to make astrological writing more computer-friendly and succinct. This is the only two-letter system that keeps the symbols intuitive and unconflicted.
Sn Sun | Mn Moon | Me Mercury | Vn Venus | Ma Mars | Jp Jupiter | St Saturn | Ur Uranus | Np Neptune | Pl Pluto |
Zodiac Signs
Ar Aries | Tr Taurus | Gm Gemini | Cn Cancer | Lo Leo | Vr Virgo |
Lb Libra | Sc Scorpio | Sg Sagittarius | Cp Capricon | Aq Aquarius | Ps Pisces |
AT Aries-Taurus | TG Taurus-Gemini | GC Gemini-Cancer | CL Cancer-Leo | LV Leo-Virgo | VL Virgo-Libra |
LS Libra-Scorpio | SS Scorpio-Sagittarius | SC Sagittarius-Capricorn | CA Capricorn-Aquarius | AP Aquarius-Pisces | PA Pisces-Ares |
As Ascendant | Ds Descendant | Ic Imum Coeli | Md Midheaven | Vx Vertex |
Smaller Bodies
Adm Admetos | Apl Apollon | Chr Chiron | Cpd Cupido | Crs Ceres |
Hds Hades | Jno Juno | Krn Kronos | Llt Lilith | Nbr Nibiru |
Pls Pallas | Psd Poseidon | Vlc Vulcan | Vst Vesta | Zes Zeus |
Nnd North Node | Snd South Node |
- Symbols are case-sensitive to avoid confusion (between Sc and SC, for example).
- Mercury and Mars' symbols are Me and Ma since Mr could be either.
- Retrograde planets are indicated by an asterisk.
- A planet's location within a mixed sign is indicated by an underline. For example, CL means the planet is on the Leo side of the Cancer-Leo border.
Starchains represent entire horoscopes in just one line. Chains progress from the Sun to Pluto (with smaller bodies optionally tagged onto the end) so a 4-sign chain, such as: Lo-Cn-Vr-Lb would represent Sun in Leo, Moon in Cancer, Mercury in Virgo and Venus in Libra. Useful formats are listed below.
Basic: 5-Sign (Sun to Mars)
Lo-Cn-Vr*-Lb-Ar: Sun in Leo, Moon in Cancer, Mercury (retrograde) in Virgo, Venus in Libra, Mars in Aries.
Classical: 7-Sign (Sun to Saturn)
Modern: 10-Sign (Sun to Pluto)
Extended: 11-Sign (Sun to Pluto, plus Chiron)
Chains can also be written without the hyphens but these get tricky to read when they have a lot of mixed signs: LoCnVrLbAr.
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