Flying Submarine Metaphor
How this anti-gravity submarine represents my understanding of why humanity was created.
I will explain this in more detail later, but essentially, the theory is that humankind was biologically-engineered to be a hybrid of two warring alien races. One race is viciously competitive while the other is all-loving and this contradiction in their natures is the root of their intergalactic war and humanity's conflicted nature. The purpose of the human race then, is to find the optimal balance of ways to reconcile these differences. These are some of the reasons why becoming a Jack of All Trades and Citizen of the World are central to my philosophy of how to live. Though technological development has been a priority for most of human history, I believe that spiritual development should take precedence now and that there are higher powers helping us to evolve in this direction much faster than we would be able to do so alone. For the record, these theories are not my invention, I am merely summarizing what I've heard from other sources. The flying submarine represents this concept since it illustrates the difficulty of creating a vehicle that is both strong enough to sustain great pressure yet light enough to fly efficiently.
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