What are Precepts?
Precepts are the general rules or principles from which a comprehensive philosophical framework can be built. Though seemingly obvious, it is crucial to get these exactly right, since they are the building blocks and foundation of any consistent belief system.
Utility is Relative
Very few things are absolutely good or bad, since their utility depends on how much you need them. So it makes no sense to say a country is bad, or that sugar is bad, or even that pain is bad, since almost everything can be useful under the right circumstances.
Inefficiency is Bad
But one of the few truly bad things is inefficiency, which I define as: unnecessary cost, difficulty or delay in achieving objectives. It is important for people to understand that this is the core problem I am trying to solve, since it should help them realize that I am not your enemy, unless you enjoy not getting what you want.
People Don't Know What They Need
Despite the common assumption that people operate in a rational, self-interested way, I'd say this is far from true. Due to a number of factors beyond their comprehension, people are often incapable of figuring out the best option at any given time. But in most cases, their freedom to make poor decisions should be tolerated.
Hierarchy is Necessary
Since it is impossible for everyone to understand everything, it would seem that heirarchy is a natural, practical and efficient solution to the challenge of decision-making in our society. However, the inherent problem with hierarchies is corruption, and that they could result in too much power being concentrated at one central point of failure - a problem which decentralized networks don't have. So a better solution may be possible, but we should respect the status quo until one is implemented.
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