The Nine Geographical Sectors of Europe

Europe as divided into the three latitudes of North, Mid and South; and three longitudes of Western, Central and Eastern. Generally speaking, western and central countries are wealthier, eastern more communist, and of course, southern countries are warmer and more extroverted. The north is more Germanic, the south: Romantic, and the east: Slavic.

North-WesternGermanic, CelticIceland, Ireland, United Kingdom
North-CentralGermanicDenmark, Norway, Sweden
North-EasternBaltic, Slavic, UralicEstonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia
Mid-WesternRomanticBelgium, France
Mid-CentralGermanicAustria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland
Mid-EasternSlavic, UralicBelarus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine
South-WesternRomanticMonaco, Portugal, Spain
South-CentralRomanticItaly, Malta
South-EasternSlavic, Hellenic, RomanticAlbania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia