Sexism is such a dead giveaway for an unfulfilled love life and unbalanced personality. Men that ignore their female voices aren't just idiots, they're more likely to be abusive too.
Is He For Real?
YouTube shows me tampons ads, ok? I'm legit.
I don't do it for approval, nobody tricked me into it. I listen to my anima because it benefits me.
Freya - Castles
Feminism is about ambition. This could be the anthem.
The Way of the Uncalloused Fist
Tough yet sensitive.
Why I Hate Men
This isn't sexy, he looks like an idiot. Guys like this give the rest of us a bad rep.
Lisa Simpson
Probably The Simpsons character I most relate to.
Exes Acknowledgment
It took a lot of fights with pretty girls to make me into the man I am today, so I'd like to acknowledge their contribution.
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