
I've seen: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Shining, The Departed, Batman, Chinatown, Something's Gotta Give, Mars Attacks!, A Few Good Men, Easy Rider, Anger Management, Five Easy Pieces, Terms of Endearment.

jack nicholson

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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

You're Not Crazy

McMurphy talks some common sense to his peers at a mental asylum after finding out they're interned there voluntarily.

Jack Nicholson, Louise Fletcher, Will Sampson, William Redfield, Brad Dourif, Sydney Lassick, Christopher Lloyd, Danny DeVito. Director: Milos Forman.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Incredible film.

Terms of Endearment (1983)

The 30 year relationship between a mother and daughter.

Debra Winger, Shirley MacLaine, Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito, John Lithgow. Director: James L. Brooks.