Sex, death and infinite contempt for all that is good and holy.
Halloween 2023
Goth Jack leaves the crypt for a special occasion.
The Forest
An old and mysterious place.
Lisbeth Salander
The antisocial hacker from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
Evanescence - Going Under
Why I moved to Europe.
Phantom of the Opera
I can never get over the dark romanticism of Andrew Lloyd Webber's timeless classic.
Edgar Allen Poe - The Raven
Probably my favourite poem - apparently about a bird that can only say: "nevermore," meaning never again.
Ghosts of Trubetskoy Prison in Peter and Paul Fortress
In Autumn of 2021 I visited the Peter and Paul Fortress (Петропавловской крепости) in Saint Petersburg. Naturally, the first and only building I visited was its Trubetskoy Bastion Prison (Тюрьмы Трубецкого бастиона). Upon sticking my head in one of the cells, I felt something come over me, as if some tormented soul still lived there. Somebody should investigate.
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