45th President of the United States

It should come as no surprise that I've supported Trump since before the 2016 election. But back when I was the only Millennial under 30 in LA to try to vote for him, I was told that the machine was broken so had to vote by paper ballot. For the record, I've always been more of a Libertarian than a staunch Republican — which I will explain for non-Americans unfamiliar with the term — is a non-interventionist political ideology that basically allows everybody to be free to do what they want with minimal government intervention, liberal social tolerance and unaggressive foreign policy.

General Political Statement

My politics are complicated. As a Citizen of the World, I try to be as honest as possible in this public format, and have provided a lot of content in that spirit. Obviously, you will have to look at more than just a few pages if you want an accurate impression of my beliefs.