Cryptocurrency Promoter
In 2014, Ver emailed me to say that I was in consideration to develop "a very important website." We never took it past that point, which may be fortunate because I don't think we would've gotten along. He ended up in prison after a short-lived but extremely successful career promoting a Bitcoin variant called Bitcoin Cash. However, I was loyal to the original Bitcoin from the start and always turned down offers to promote altcoins, which I regard as get-rich-quick schemes that detract from Bitcoin's noble purpose. I even considered Ethereum an altcoin (though I no longer have an opinion since I left the industry around 2018).
Sn | Mn | Me | Vn | Ma | Jp | St | Ur | Np | Pl | Chr |
Cp | SC | SC | Sc | Cp | Cn* | Lo* | Lb | Sc | Vr | Ar |
View Chart | Astrological Notation

*Birth location may be inaccurate (but close enough for astrological purposes). Courtesy of masteringthezodiac.com
This kind of bullshit did a lot of damage, so he does belong in prison.
Prison Abuse Story
As noted above, I don't really trust this guy so I can't be sure if this story is true, but it sounds fairly legit, so I figure it's worth posting. He scores points for wearing the FREE ROSS ULBRICHT shirt but that doesn't make his case equally valid.
Law & Politics