Astrology: Unethical Public Figures


Public Warning

People with a predisposition towards dishonest or vicious behaviour as ascertained by patterns in their birth charts which are shared by other known miscreants. If more than one trait is detected, they're listed in order of severity and/or my confidence in their identification (which is generally fairly high). I don't have knowledge or personal feelings about many of these people. I do this for good karma and in an attempt to mitigate the crimes and injuries they commit. I believe some of these people may be hellbound, whether they understand that or not, but also have redeeming qualities (which may or may not be listed) which should shine all the brighter if these faults are addressed. I am only flagging certain proclivites, not making comprehensive judgments of their complex personalities, but these warnings should be taken seriously.

NameBirthdateDescriptionPersonality Traits
BELLIGERENTS — enjoy conflict
Adolf HitlerApr 20, 1889DictatorBelligerent
Jamie DimonMar 13, 1956CEO of JP MorganBelligerentyet peaceful
Prince PhilipJun 10, 1921Consort to Elizabeth II Belligerent
Tim AllenJun 13, 1953ActorBelligerentPossibly misunderstood
Xi JinpingJun 15, 1953Chinese DictatorBelligerentClever, noble
LIARS — extremely deceptive
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MANIPULATORS — psychologically control others
Anyone born from Jan 1996 to September 2002